Two new appointments to Kerikeri Retirement Village Board
Jillian Iti and Steve Soufflot have been appointed to the board of Kerikeri Retirement Village Ltd as independent directors. Both Ms Iti and Mr Soufflot bring significant healthcare expertise to the position, and Ms Iti’s background strengthens the Board’s position in relation to te ao Māori.
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Careers expo will promote opportunities in aged care
An exhibition aimed at anyone investigating career choices or considering a new direction will be held in Kerikeri’s Turner Centre on Thursday 11 April. It is part of an initiative launched at the end of last year by Northland organisations involved in education, training and healthcare,
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Village scales back development plans
Hawkings Crescent properties to be sold for development as rental accommodation for workers and young families.
Kerikeri Retirement Village has scaled back plans to buy neighbouring properties in order to build an extra 200 retirement accommodation units. It now aims to use land it has already acquired in nearby Hawkings Crescent for 29 townhouses...
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Kylie Mooney appointed to Kerikeri Retirement Village Board
Kylie Mooney has been appointed to the board of Kerikeri Retirement Village Ltd as an independent director.
Kylie is an accomplished senior executive with experience on both corporate and not-for-profit boards
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Health officials extend Kerikeri Retirement Village certification for maximum period
Te Whatu Ora/The Ministry of Health has extended Kerikeri Retirement Village’s rest home certification for a further four years following an “excellent” audit. The Ministry noted that the Village continues to mitigate successfully the nationwide shortage of Registered Nurses impacting all aged care providers.
This is the third consecutive four-year extension granted to the Village.
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Paula Baker appointed to Kerikeri Retirement Village board
Paula Baker has been appointed to the board of Kerikeri Retirement Village Ltd, representing 50 percent shareholder Presbyterian Support Northern (PSN). She replaces former director and Chair David Hansen.
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Proposed Kāinga Ora accommodation – Clark and King Streets, Kerikeri
Kerikeri Retirement Village believes the proposed Kāinga Ora accommodation between Clark Street and King Street in Kerikeri, which the community meeting on 22 February 2023 was told will meet the needs of those currently in Emergency Housing, is not appropriate for the area and will have a significant and detrimental impact on the town’s infrastructure.
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Students, back-to-workers and career pivoters in demand as aged-care provider fights nursing shortage
A Northland aged-care provider is combating a critical national shortage of registered nurses, and challenges recruiting healthcare assistants, through an innovative programme aimed at boosting the number of general Care staff it employs to undertake non-critical nursing duties. Kerikeri Retirement Village has created a new entry-level Carer position to free up more senior staff who, in turn, can relieve pressure on nurses and leave them free to focus mainly on the clinical work they are trained and qualified for.
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Kerikeri Retirement Village lifts most COVID-19 visiting restictions
Kerikeri Retirement Village has today lifted most COVID-related visiting restrictions.
“After more than two years of tightly restricted visiting we are making the call to get back to as close to normal as possible,” said Kerikeri Retirement Village chief executive Hilary Sumpter. “It’s time!”
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Retirement Village scales back expansion plans
Kerikeri Retirement Village has changed its plans to expand its Care facility and will focus instead on upgrading and re-building parts of it. The charitable company has also scaled back its ambitions for additional retirement accommodation and aims to build 80 new independent living units, bringing its total to 200 instead of the 300 it planned in 2018.
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New clinical manager to lead nursing team at Kerikeri Retirement Village
Kerikeri Retirement Village has appointed a new clinical nurse manager. Jarrah Tuoro is a registered nurse with a bachelor’s degree in nursing and has worked in aged care for over 10 years.
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Aged care in Northland at breaking point
Rest-home operators in Northland are calling on local Members of Parliament to ensure that the country’s “broken” system of funding for aged care is addressed in the 2022 Budget to be announced on Thursday next week.
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Kerikeri Retirement Village appoints new village manager
Kerikeri Retirement Village has appointed Grant Cochran village manager. He replaces long-time incumbent Frances Shaw.
Mr Cochran is a Registered Nurse with a clinical background in intensive care.
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COVID traffic-light system: aged-care operator seeks urgent clarity from officials
Retirement villages and rest home operators are pressing the Ministry of Health for operating guidelines under each of the new levels of the COVID Protection Framework, better known as ‘the traffic light system’. The framework kicks in from Friday 3 December but the Ministry of Health has issued no guidance about how it expects aged-care facilities to operate at red, amber and green.
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New Directors appointed to Kerikeri Retirement Village Board
Two new directors have been appointed to the Board of charitable company Kerikeri Retirement Village Ltd. Richard Aston and Ajit Balasingham replace outgoing director Kevin Hall.
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Village reports ‘significant concern’ about failing water pressure
Kerikeri Retirement Village has raised “significant concerns” with Far North District Council (Council) about failing pressure in the water mains supplying its Care Facility and independent living retirement accommodation. The Village has experienced frequent periods of low water pressure since Tuesday last week (15 December) and has told Council that this could create risk and hardship for ill and vulnerable residents.
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Lock-down at Kerikeri Retirement Village has been lifted
As of Tuesday 6th of October, 9.30am, Kerikeri Retirement Village is open again for visitors with unrestricted access.
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Lock-down to be lifted at Kerikeri Retirement Village at Level One
Kerikeri Retirement Village will emerge from lock-down when New Zealand moves to Public Health Alert Level One. The NZ Aged Care Association has advised rest homes to remain cautious so visitor access to the Village’s Care Facility will still be by appointment only. Anyone can visit but this will be restricted to two people at a time for each resident, for up to an hour between 9am and 5pm from Mondays to Fridays. Visitors will be asked to remain in the rooms of the people they are visiting.
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Village to ease Level Two lock-down
Kerikeri Retirement Village will ease restrictions on visitor access to its Care Facility from 6am on Tuesday 25 August, chief executive Hilary Sumpter said today. Each of its 66 Care Facility residents will be allowed two nominated visitors. Either of these visitors (but not both) will be able to visit once a day, Monday to Friday. Each visit will have to be pre-arranged with the Village by whoever holds the resident’s Enduring Power of Attorney.
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Village moves Care Facility to full lock-down
Kerikeri Retirement Village removed all visitor access to its Care Facility from 12 noon on August 12 in response to guidance from the Director-General of Health and the New Zealand Aged Care Association.
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COVID brings no let-up in demand for retirement accommodation.
Aged Care in Northland “on the verge of being overwhelmed."
Older New Zealanders looking for long-term accommodation and middle-aged children eager to find facilities for their parents are driving high demand for retirement accommodation in the wider Bay of Islands area. But one of only a few aged-care providers in the District is sounding the alarm about health implications for the elderly.
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Bequest funds new beds for Kerikeri aged-care facility
A generous bequest has enabled Kerikeri Retirement Village to buy 12 new adjustable beds worth $40,000 for its Care Facility. They will replace older beds, the mechanisms of which are starting to fail, providing residents with better-quality comfort and care.
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Lock-down to be lifted at Kerikeri Retirement Village at Level One
Kerikeri Retirement Village will emerge from lock-down completely when New Zealand moves to Public Health Alert Level One. All restrictions on visitor access to the Village’s Care Facility and public areas will be removed.
The Village will observe “rigorously” the ‘golden rules’ of Level One outlined this week by the Prime Minister.
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Gwen brings Village ‘100 Club’ record to seven
When Gwen Webb turned 100 last Friday (15 May) she smashed the record for the number of centenarians living in the Care Facility at Kerikeri Retirement Village. There are now six, with a grand total of 607 years between them.
A seventh centenarian, 103-year old Nell Graveson, still lives independently in her cottage at the Village.
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Village to allow restricted access at Level Two
Kerikeri Retirement Village will ease restrictions on visitor access to its Care Facility when New Zealand moves to Public Health Alert Level Two, chief executive Hilary Sumpter said today. Each of the 66 Care Facility residents will be allowed one nominated visitor for the duration of Level Two. This single person will be able to visit just once a day, every two days, Monday to Friday. Each visit will have to be pre-arranged with the Village by whoever holds the resident’s Enduring Power of Attorney.
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Kerikeri Village procedures at Level 3
As New Zealand eases into Health Alert Level Three, chief executive Hilary Sumpter advises that the Care Facility at Kerikeri Retirement Village will remain in full lock-down for the protection of their most vulnerable residents and that relatives are still not able to visit
The situation for Independent Living residents is very different and they will have all the freedoms (and restrictions) of over-70s living outside the Village.
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Village lock-down to remain until country is at Level 2
Kerikeri Retirement Village will maintain the lock-down of its Care Facility and premises when New Zealand moves to Level Three on Tuesday next week, chief executive Hilary Sumpter said today. The move is at the directive of the Ministry of Health. It is aimed at reducing to the greatest possible extent the risk of COVID-19 infection among Village residents, particularly the 66 people who live in the facility’s rest home, respite, hospital and dementia care wings.
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Level 3 Covid-19 Procedures
As New Zealand eases into Health Alert Level Three today, the Care Facility at Kerikeri Retirement Village will remain in full lock-down for the protection of our most vulnerable residents. Relatives still cannot visit at the windows of the Care Facility however our Independent Living residents will have all the same freedoms (and restrictions) of over-70s outside the Village.
We have guidelines in place for Level Three procedures within the Village - please take them seriously to ensure the continued well being of ALL our residents and staff.
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New Kerikeri apartments selling now - Open Day in December
Ten of the 30 one and two-bedroom apartments being built at Kerikeri Retirement Village have already been sold and the Village is reporting ‘strong interest’ on the remaining 20. Construction is expected to be complete in May next year.
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29 retirement villages in Kerikeri – but just for a day
Kerikeri will be more blessed than usual on the retirement village front next week when representatives of 29 organisations from across New Zealand descend on the town for an Independent Villages Forum hosted by the Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand.
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Aging in the provinces – providers look to bequests to fund essential care
Is NZ’s aged-care accommodation squeeze only a short step away from tipping point?
“It's not a job you'd choose – it’s a job that chooses you.”
Amanda Millar’s voice trembled a little as she continued: ‘it’s work that you fall in love with, little by little. It’s a humbling job and not something you can take for granted.”
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Tech update boosts Village care
Kerikeri Retirement Village has introduced a single technology system to streamline every aspect of its operation, from registering and managing requests for its retirement accommodation through to streamlining patient record-keeping in its care wing.
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“You’re wonderful”: Village carers learn to sign
Ten staff at Kerikeri Retirement Village learned the basics of this country’s least used official language, New Zealand Sign Language, during the official sign language week marked nationwide in early May.
The courses were conducted as part of the Village’s staff wellness and education programmes. One of the benefits is that it will allow carers to communicate more effectively with a deaf resident in the Village’s Care wing.
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Village launches bequests appeal to help fund more care beds
Kerikeri Retirement Village has launched a bequests appeal to help raise $8.5 million needed to expand and upgrade its care facility. It wants to increase the number of care beds it can offer from 66 to 100 and place them in spacious en suite rooms which can accommodate an increasing level of care as patients age.
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New clinical manager will drive professional development at the Village
Kerikeri Retirement Village has appointed Kathy Renner clinical manager. Ms Renner is responsible for delivery of all the clinical care the Village provides to the 66 people in its rest home, total care and dementia care units.
She will oversee the 23 registered nurses, more than 50 healthcare assistants, and more than 30 therapy and support staff delivering this care.
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Retirement villages urge Council re-think on District Plan
Representatives from the Retirement Villages Association (RVA) and four Mid North retirement living and aged-care providers have expressed concern to the Far North District Council (FNDC) that the District Plan currently under consideration does not adequately take into account the needs and impact of the growing number of elderly here.
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Rocketing demand prompts Village to outline plans for growth
Kerikeri Retirement Village has unveiled plans to buy as many as 42 neighbouring properties to build retirement accommodation for the growing number of elderly in the area. It wants to build 200 more independent living units for up to approximately 250 retirees and expand the number of beds in its care facility from 66 to 100.
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Village electric vehicle scheme takes to the road
On the 11th of August we launched our electric vehicle car-pooling initiative for residents. The $134,500 scheme is believed to be the first of its type for the New Zealand aged care sector and has been jointlyfunded by the Village and a grant from the Low Emission Vehicles Contestable Fund, administered by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA).
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Village electric vehicle scheme takes to the road
Kerikeri Retirement Village today launched its electric vehicle car-pooling initiative for residents. The $134,500 scheme is believed to be the first of its type for the New Zealand aged care sector and has been funded jointly and equally by the Village and a grant from the Low Emission Vehicles Contestable Fund, administered by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA).
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Village ‘first’ to soothe dementia patients
Kerikeri Retirement Village has taken delivery of a sensory chair that will help calm, soothe and comfort residents in its care unit, particularly dementia patients.
The Village is believed to be the first aged-care facility in New Zealand to provide the equipment, more properly known as a Wellness Nordic Relax Chair, for its residents
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Loyalty marked at Kerikeri Retirement Village
Six staff members at Kerikeri Retirement Village have marked significant long service milestones. Registered nurse Robyn Rihari, senior healthcare assistant Lillian Urrutia and healthcare assistant Mary Elliott and have all passed the 15 year mark, while deputy clinical manager Coleen Allison, driver Frank Lewis and gardener Logan Strong have each clocked up 10 years
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New Chairman takes the reins at Kerikeri Retirement Village
Mike Simm has been appointed Chairman of the Board of the Kerikeri Retirement Village. Suzanne Brocx, a nurse, educator and local dairy farmer, is our new Deputy Chairman.
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Kerikeri seniors power up for local travel
In a ground-breaking move for the New Zealand retirement sector, Kerikeri Retirement Village is to buy one Kia Soul and three Nissan Leaf zero emission electric vehicles for use in a car-sharing initiative aimed at Village residents
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A robot named Robyn
Residents at Kerikeri Retirement Village are less exposed to human error now that Robyn’s packaging their meds. Robyn’s a robot and she just doesn’t mess up. She can’t.
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Village quality audit shows spotless bill of health
The Ministry of Health has extended Kerikeri Retirement Village’s rest home certification for a further four years following an outstanding audit with no corrective actions required. All rest homes and aged residential care facilities in NZ are certified and audited to ensure they provide safe, appropriate care for their residents...
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Changes in retirement living shape Village apartment complex
Kerikeri Retirement Village has started consultation with its residents and other groups and people in the wider community about a plan to build retirement and lifestyle apartments on property it acquired some time ago at 127 Kerikeri Road, the former Enz of the Earth property.
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