Kerikeri Village

Village Life

Jess shares the importance of Diversional Therapy

Our Diversional Therapy Team in the Care Facility plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life for our residents by providing stimulating recreational activities and social interactions. They create tailored programs to meet the physical, emotional, and cognitive needs of residents by running engaging activities
such as music sessions, games, discussion groups and outings...

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Age-Friendly Communities Research

Over the last few months, we have been taking a deep dive into what it means to be a person who is older in the Kerikeri community with a specific interest in social connections. A grant from the Age Friendly Fund at Tari Kaumātua / The Office for Seniors has enabled us to undergo a research process...

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Long Service Awards 2024

We are incredibly proud of our team, these stars have stuck with us through thick and thin. The last few years have been challenging for employees in Age Care and we love the chance to celebrate these important milestones.

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Brazier Night - fun for young and old alike

Bringing the young and the old together in social situations has long been understood to be beneficial for both groups. Recently we combined the Kindy’s Lantern Festival, where they make and share lights to mark the winter solstice, with our third brazier evening.

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Potting Shed Complete

Cold, wet days hold no more fears for members of the Village potting shed gardening group. The group, comprising more than 20 Village residents, is now able to hold their weekly meetings in an all weather shelter on the Village Green

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Men’s Night, a group of lads who connect and meet socially every month.

Garry is a Village resident and a regular at Men’s Night, a group of lads who connect and meet socially every month. The group is organised by residents, for residents.

We asked Gary what the group means to him…

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Introducing seated yoga fan Misty

Misty is a Village resident who takes time out of her busy week to set up and facilitate the twice weekly seated yoga classes that take place in the Apartments Lounge. She tells
us how it all got started...

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Meet Michael - a man with a green thumb and a big heart!

Michael has a wonderfully unique way of seeing the Village community “well they are all like a flock of sheep to be looked after and guided, I think it must be my lifetime of farming.”

One of the many ways that Michael keeps an eye out for the community is by running the community vege garden. 

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Staff Wellbeing

Operations Manager Cheryl pours huge amounts of energy into our Employee Wellness Programme. She explains why it’s so important...

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In remembrance of Nell Graveson

It is with sadness that we share the news of the passing of Nell Graveson who was one of our very first Cottage residents in the Village...

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Joint Christmas collaboration was a winner!

Kerikeri Santa Parade was such a special day for us; it was a riot of colour, sparkles and Christmas spirit.

Our underwater themed entry was a collaboration with Kerikeri Kindergarten...

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New residents Stuart & Mary are loving life at the Village.

Stuart and Mary moved here from Hawkes Bay a few months ago, and are settling into Village life... “I can’t drive anymore because I have problems with my eyesight. So, the fact that I can walk to church, doctors and we are right next to New World, that sealed the deal"...

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Give the Gift of Comfort

We want to replace the mattresses in the care facility with special air-tech mattresses. This is a significant investment for the Village, but we are determined because we know how much difference the change will make to the lives of our Care Facility residents.

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Meet Phil - a KRV Volunteer

Phil is a retired teacher and currently volunteers in the village Care Facility twice a week. Originally he was filling in for a friend but enjoyed it so much he decided to continue.

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Intergenerational Play

We have been making new friends with our local Kindergartens, Kerikeri Kindergarten and Oromahoe Kindergarten. First off we went for a visit to Oromohoe

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Walk The Walk Trails

‘Walk the Walk Trails’ was a passion of KKRV Residents Jenny and Lloyd Bithell to get people moving and meet people.

They have created short, achievable walking trails, all within the village grounds, including two inside wet weather options

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Long Service Awards

We are privileged to have the most amazing staff here at the village and we want to acknowledge the hard work, passion, and dedication it takes to be on the team.

This month we celebrated three members of staff who have given ten years to Kerikeri Village

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KRV Garden Ramble

Kerikeri Retirement Village residents, and their family and guests, enjoyed an organised ‘garden ramble’ through some of our most picturesque gardens and public spaces.

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A burst of daffodils!

Spring arrived in the Village with a burst of yellow as the Staff enthusiastically took part in the Daffodil Day Yellow Outfit Challenge!

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Our Potting Shed Garden Group celebrated some great news

The Potting Shed Garden Group took time from their spring planting to celebrate some fantastic news this week. Thanks to generous residents' donations and a grant from Pub Charity Limited we can build our all-weather gardening shelter.

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Cheryl's Swap Shop

Pick up any newspaper or listen to any radio or TV news programme, and there’s likely to be some reference to the spiraling cost of groceries.

Our amazing staff are just as impacted by this as anyone. So, in an effort to help, ‘Cheryl’s Swap Shop’ has set up behind our Staff Room and is already doing a roaring trade – particularly in fruit and vegetables.

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Matariki Lunch

To celebrate Matariki, residents from all areas of our facility were invited to a Matariki lunch which was a wonderful opportunity for everyone to catch up.


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Volunteers Thank You Night

National Volunteer Week ran from June 18th to the 24th offering us a great opportunity to officially thank all the wonderful Volunteers who make our lives here at the Village so much better

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The Potting Shed Group

The Potting Shed Group meets every Thursday at 10.30am, on The Village Green for gardening chit chat, morning tea & biscuits, garden safari walks, sowing seeds, creative gardening and some vitamin D.

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International Nurse's Day

Friday May 12th was International Nurses' Day and we marked the day with a pink theme.

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Coronation High Tea

Our residents celebrated the Coronation of King Charles III with a regal High Tea organised by the Paterson residents alongside the Lifestyle & Leisure team.

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Anzac Day Celebrations

We commemorated Anzac Day with a visit from Army Cadet and Unit Commander Mita Harris who spent time with our residents, including one of our oldest residents Henry Driver.

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Pop-Up Daycare

Our fabulous team of working parents struggled to get support for their children over Cyclone Gabrielle so we took the unusual step of setting up our own daycare in our Social Centre.

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Delightful Dahlias

Our residents were very disappointed when the bus trip that was planned to the Dahlia Farm in Kaikohe had to be cancelled due to Cyclone Gabrielle.

Despite their own loss, the ‘Dahlia Girls’ called in to brighten our day...

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Meeting the Neighbours

With only a few apartments left to sell, we held a dinner for our 127 residents, family, and a few supportive Village residents to meet and mingle.

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Classic Cars

We recently enjoyed a visit from some Classic Car enthusiasts who took a few lucky residents for a spin.

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Our Bus Trip Adventures

With life opening up, our Care Facility residents requested a new kind of bus trip with the freedom to get off and explore a different destination each week. And so we set off...

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Campaign to Recruit New Staff

As part of an initiative to attract people to work at the Village we’ve been running a campaign called Care for Your Career. The campaign profiles real people who work at the Village in a variety of carer roles.

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In Remberance of Wai

We lost one of our Village family in December. Healthcare Assistant Waimana Pere (Wai) died shortly before Christmas after suffering a heart-attack while kayak-fishing - something he loved to do.

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Christmas Door Competition

We were able to resurrect our annnual 'Christmas Door Competition  this year and it was hotly contested with residents, family members, visitors and staff all entering the fray.

And the winner was...

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Rock'n great times

In September, Activities Coordinator Karen Hawtin posted on Social Media that the Village would appreciate some painted rocks. The response was overwhelming and we were sent rocks from groups all over NZ

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Catering to our Residents

For many residents, mealtimes are a highlight of their day. It's a chance to enjoy great food and company so it's important we get it right, which is why our Kitchen is now managed by specialist catering service Cater Plus.

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Matthews Car Museum

Our cottage & apartment residents enjoyed a stroll down memory lane when we visited Matthew's Vintage Car Museum.

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Hundertwasser Trip

Most of us know Hundertwasser was an artist and an architect of some influence, but few of us really appreciated the full scope of his work or achievements until we visited the new Whangarei Arts Centre.

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Monday Music

Every Monday at 2pm our residents, friends and family gather in the Pavilion Lounge to enjoy some live music and a singalong.

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Citrus Celebration

Many years ago, before it was developed, Head Gardener Frank Lewis planted Hannah Place as an orchard because he thought that if you lived in Kerikeri then you should be able to pick your own citrus.

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Una Harrison turns 104

To mark the occasion, Una's daughter Sandra Taylor shared a little of her Mum's amazing life story.

Una was born in South Africa where she worked as a shorthand typist. When war broke out, she became a voluntary nurse at a military hospital in Pietermaritzburg...

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A Blooming Wonderful Day

After seeing a Facebook post about a dahlia farm near Kaikohe we decided to visit.

The farm was started by three home schooled children as a learning experience...

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Mad Hatter's Tea Party

Our long-awaited Mad Hatter’s Tea Party on The Green was a resounding success with everyone entering into the spirit of things by donning a hat. There were some weird and wonderful creations. Vintage Vinyl provided the music and Neat Eats handled the catering. The event was funded by a ‘Bring & Buy’ held earlier this year by staff.

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Manea Footprints Experience

One of our shy residents had a wonderful time at the Manea Footprints excursion. While she prefers to remain anonymous, she was very excited to share her experience...

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Nell Graveson celebrates her 105th Birthday

Nell, one of the original residents of the Village, celebrated her 105th birthday with drinks and cake on the Village Green.

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Omata Estate Winery

We love a trip to Russell and especially to Omata Estate where the views, food and wine are only surpassed by the great company.

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Tupuaetahi Picnic

With the constant changes to Covid levels, outings have been limited. A recent highlight was our recent bus trip to Tupuaetahi Beach for a stroll along the sand and a delicious picnic.

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Ukulele Fun

After a demonstration by the Quail Ridge Ukulele Band in December a number of our residents and staff decided to give it a go.


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We can all breathe easy in the garden

Being outside is the easiest way to meet at the moment so we’re grateful for the good weather that has allowed our various groups to convene regularly on The Green.

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Scarecrow & Scavenger Hunt

During lockdown, Nancy Davidson kept herself (and a good many others ) entertained by making a Scarecrow with recycled materials.

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Celebrating Life

During lockdown our Head Gardener, Debs, promised residents a Garden Party when we could all socialise more freely. It was a lovely way to celebrate being with friends...

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Pavilion Community Garden

A group of students from Springbank, and their teacher Michelle Chapman, fundraised for Community Garden for our residents which they built in September.

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Sit Fit Classes

Move it or lose it! Every Monday at 10 am, rain or shine, resident Gillian Preece leads a dedicated group of around 16 village residents in a Sit Fit exercise program.

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Darryl's Dinner Cruise

Our residents look forward to an exciting outing each month and last month they enjoyed taking Darryl’s Dinner Cruise to beautiful Haruru Falls.

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Mother’s Day Celebrations

Every Mum deserves some appreciation and thanks to the Kerikeri Floral Art Group we were able to celebrate all the wonderful mothers in our Village.

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The Singers in concert

Music is good for the soul and concerts are always received well by our residents.

Many thanks to The Singers who recently performed to a large audience in the Social Centre.

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Goodbye and hello to our Volunteer Coordinator

Our volunteers enjoyed a lovely night in the OneTwoSeven apartments lounge last week to farewell our hard working Volunteer Coordinator, Penelope Spencer, and welcome her replacement Evelyn Lewis who started work a month ago.

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Fun making mosaics

It all started with the idea of brightening the Tui courtyard and our Head Gardener, Angela Marinkovic, was keen to include some mosaics. Then a “little bird” told us that Bunnings sometimes help with community projects.

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Christmas Celebrations 2020

2020 was a difficult year... all the more reason to get together and celebrate the freedom of mixing and mingling at Christmas.

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Lock-down at Kerikeri Retirement Village has been lifted

As of Tuesday 6th of October, 9.30am, Kerikeri Retirement Village is open again for visitors with unrestricted access.

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Mothers Day in Lockdown

A highlight of Mother’s Day this year were the Flowers that were handpicked from our community gardens and turned in to beautiful bouquets by our gardening team.

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Life in lockdown was never dull!

If you had to be in lockdown, then the Village was a great place to be. The care and support of all our wider whanau/family was just amazing...

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Anzac Day in Lockdown

It was wonderful that our COVID 19 Bubble was able to connect across the years with all those held in our collective memory and for us to be able to say to those who served...


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What the transition to Level 3 means at Kerikeri Village

As New Zealand eases into Health Alert Level Three today, the Care Facility at Kerikeri Retirement Village will remain in full lock-down for the protection of our most vulnerable residents. Relatives still cannot visit at the windows of the Care Facility.

Our Independent Living residents will have all the freedoms (and restrictions) of over-70s outside the Village.


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Village of Oz - Our Christmas Float

Every year our team and residents get together to create a float for the Kerikeri Christmas Parade and this years theme was the 'Village of Oz'.

After weeks of planning and a lot of fun our cast included Dorothy, Toto, The Tin Man and a host of other colourful characters.

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Volunteers' Christmas Party

To show our appreciation for all for all their support and enthusiasm we held a Christmas party for our Volunteers. The theme was 'beach Christmas' . As you can see from the marvellous photos captured by Barbara Stewart, a good time was had by all! 

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Jan Gough takes a final bow after nearly 30 years

It was a packed turn-out to our Social Centre in late November to bid farewell to our wonderful Chaplain, Jan Gough, who is retiring after 28 years of service. There is no way we can put a value on the love, care, commitment and dedication she has poured into our little community over that time. Thank you, Jan; enjoy your richly-deserved retirement

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2019 Graduation Celebration

Studying while working and juggling family life is never easy but part of what makes our team so great, is their passion and commitment to ongoing Professional Development.

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Building progress at 127 Kerikeri Road

Our building sub-committee got the first look from upstairs in our new apartment build at 127 Kerikeri Road. A miserable rainy day, but this made us all sunny. 

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Community Kindness

A huge thank you to Jenny & Mike Thompson (shown here with our Receptionist Rochelle Taylor) who have been bringing us box loads of mandarins

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Thanks to our volunteers

Here at the Village we rely hugely on the input and goodwill of some Very Important People – our Volunteers. They are hugely important to the day-to-day operation of the Village and get involved in a wide range of activities here.

Each year we hold a Mid-Winter Christmas Party for these lovely folk to thank them for their efforts.


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Matariki Celebrations

We’ve been holding a number of Matariki events here at the Village since 24 June, on an almost daily basis with great fun being had by all.

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Enjoying being led up the garden path

On April 9th we officially opened our new garden path which runs from opposite the Social Centre to the Village Green.

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Village Fete 2019

This year's annual Village Fete was held on a Saturday so that our resident's friends and family could join in the fun.

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Whangaroa Trip

During a recent trip to Whangaroa we enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Marlin Hotel.

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Pots of Fun!

Carol Moffat is the Activities Coordinator at Bunnings Kerikeri. She and her colleague brought in a variety of complimentary paints, pots and plants for a fun morning of pot painting with some of our residents of the Care Facility.


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Clare Penny in Concert

Clare Penny and her amazing students treated our residents to a concert in February.

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Caro's Critters

Our residents always enjoy a visit from Caro's Critters and for many it's a reminder of earlier years spent living on a farm.

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Games Day 2019

Games Day 2019 was a lovely day which started with morning tea then off for games with Invited Guests from Oakridge.  Games included Croquet, Bowls, Rumicub, Darts and 500 cards.  Everyone said they would love to do it again.

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Village Residents “India” Xmas BBQ 2018

Everybody took to the theme of India for this year’s Xmas BBQ, amazing how many people own saris!

Our very own cook Donna embraced the challenge and we had a fantastic meal with the tastes of India and yes, it was still a BBQ.

Thanks to those wonderful volunteers and staff who gave up their own time to decorate the community centre.


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Our Annual Care Facility High Tea 2018

Our Annual Care Facility High Tea for residents and their families was a great afternoon for all.

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Thanks to our fabulous volunteers!

December 5th is World Volunteers Day so we held our Volunteer's Christmas Party to coincide with the event. The theme was nautical.

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2018 Christmas Variety Concert

The Variety Concert is always a highlight of the Christmas season and this year's extravaganza was no exception!

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Christmas Treats

In the lead up to Christmas the Village is awash with tinsel, the carols play loudly and often and we collect and wrap Christmas gifts for families in need.

Another celebrated tradition is making Christmas cookies.

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The name's Bond... James Bond!

We went 007 for this year’s Christmas Parade entry and Geran Brewer did a fantastic job of transforming our electric vehicles into Bond cars, complete with knives on the wheels and rocket boosters on the back.

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Turning soil - the apartments progress!

We were delighted to finally turn the first soil at 127 Kerikeri Road on November 14. After many delays we can commence work on our new apartments.


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Koast Art Trail

The fifth annual Kerikeri Open Art Studios Trail known as KOAST was held over Labour Weekend. Participants buy a map which allows them to visit a wide variety of artists, view their work and chat to them about their techniques and their inspiration.

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Battle of the Ballroom – Take 2

The recent Mid North Hospice ‘Battle of the Ballroom’ fundraiser was a sell-out event and even if the tickets had still been available the show was too late for many of our residents.

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Bloomin' Lovely

Local orchid grower Gavin Wakelin invited our residents to visit his operation in Waipapa. He has two heated tunnel houses on about a third of a hectare and exports his flowers to Japan and America.


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Cheryl jumped at the chance to help

We have a strong relationship with Northland Alzheimers so when they came up with an initiative to raise awareness of their organisation and services our Operational Support Manager, Cheryl Silich, literally jumped at the chance to help.

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Celebrating hard work and success

Studying, while juggling work and family commitments, takes real commitment. To recognise all the hard work and achievements, our Staff Development Co-ordinator Heather MacMillan put together our inaugural Graduation Ceremony.

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First to soothe those with dementia

After many months of fundraising, we are excited to have taken delivery of a sensory chair that will help calm, soothe and comfort residents in its care unit, particularly dementia patients

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Kids Day

During the school holidays we invited 10 children to spend the day with us.

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Health & Safety Award

Every 6 months they recognise the person who has demonstrated most an outstanding commitment to safety and/or innovation in Health and Safety with a certificate and a $100 bonus.

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Village Fete

Despite the odd shower or two, we had a great turnout at our Village Fete on March 2nd, and these picture show what a great time everyone had.

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Croquet on the green

We are making good use of our croquet set this summer with sessions being held at 4pm on Tuesdays and Saturdays, when the weather allows.

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Caro's Critters

Many of our residents grew up in the country and were surrounded by animals so being around them today brings them great joy as they relive happy memories of earlier life and favourite pets

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Robbie Burns Day

We had 'reel' fun celebrating Robbie Burns Day including piping in the haggis, addressing the haggis and some good old highland dancing.

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Volunteers Christmas Party 2017

Our volunteers are a huge part of what we do and we are so very grateful for their support.  This is one small way of showing our appreciation.

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Xmas Parade 2017

The theme for our Christmas Parade entry this year was suggested by a resident and our 'Stayin' Alive' float went down a treat.

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The Auld Mug comes to Kerikeri

We were thrilled to have Team New Zealand pop in to show us their hard won trophy.

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Invite to hear our monthly speaker

We invite you and your friends to join us in the Social Centre to hear our monthly speakers. It's entertaining,enlightening, free and open to anyone who'd like to come

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Industry Award

Every year we attend the NZ Aged Care Association Conference which gives us a chance to share ideas with other service providers in the retirement sector and keep abreast of industry developments.

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Resident, Ray Tait, receives France's highest war honour

One of Northland's last surviving World War II veterans has been awarded France's highest honour for his part in liberating the country from Nazi occupation. Ray Tait, 94, was made a Chevalier (Knight) in the Legion d'honneur (Legion of Honour) in a ceremony at Auckland's Motat Museum.

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Happy 100th Birthday Nell

Best wishes to Nell Graveson who celebrated her 100th birthday on January 14. Nell, who is one of our original cottage residents and remains in the same cottage some 30 years on, didn't want a huge party. She opted for a number of intimate celebrations instead, the highlight of which was a Thai Banquet with her children and grandchildren.

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Technology Upgrade

Back on May 1st 2002, when we officially opened the Administration Block, our offices were full of the latest equipment. But after 15 years and significant growth, our phone system is no longer up to the task. This week Royce Clark from Roycom decommissioned our old PABX and replaced it with a new VOIP PABX.

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Blair Tuke Visit

Back in June we sent local sailor Blair Tuke and Team New Zealand our message of support in the lead up to the finals of the America's Cup. Blair popped in recently to share his thanks and a few stories of his experiences during the campaign.

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Online Security

Many thanks to Andrew Fergus of Bay of Islands Computers who ran a short seminar on online security. Andrew gave lots of tips on how to prevent scammers accessing your computer or bank accounts and how to protect your identity. There was a short Q & A session and we were all given some handy notes to take home.

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102 years young

Wine and cake and happiness were in abundance on June 12th as Doris Robertson celebrated her 102nd birthday here at the Village with friends, family and staff.

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Long Service

We have five staff members who have recently achieved significant milestones in their service with Kerikeri Retirement Village. Frank Lewis and Logan Strong have clocked up 10 years of employment while Mary Elliott, Robyn Rihari and Lillian Urrutia have all passed the 15 year mark.

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Local Wine Tasting

Our residents enjoyed a pleasant afternoon sampling the local wines at Byrne and Ake Ake vineyards. Special thanks to Vintners John and Tereza who advised that it had been a bumper grape season and explained more about the growing process and the qualities of the resultant wines.

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A trip down memory lane

Our residents enjoyed a visit from the Kerikeri Vintage Car Club and were thrilled to take a ride in cars from a familiar era.

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Look hoo-hoo came to visit

Steph Edwards, who works part time in the Village administration team and also volunteers to help in the Care Facility in her down time, runs a bird rescue facility at her home.

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Happy 100th Birthday Nell!

On Jan 14, Nell Graveson, one of our very first cottage residents turned 100. Nell, who still lives in the same cottage some 30 years on, decided she didn't want a big party and instead opted for a number of small events over a few days starting with shouting a few drinks for her many village friends in the Social Centre on the eve of her birthday.

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2016 Volunteers Christmas Party

We are lucky to have the support of our community and especially all the wonderful volunteers who give of their time helping with reading mail, arranging flowers, helping to run entertainment and a myriad of other tasks that make a huge difference to the lives of our residents.

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Seated Tai Chi

Every Monday from 10-11am Jill Freeman from 'Simply Wonderful' runs Seated Tai Chi in the H.Murray room at the Village. The class is designed to help those with arthritis and mobility issues retain their strength and range of movement and according to participants is "also very relaxing".

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Christmas Variety Show

One of the highlights of our social calendar is the annual variety show where staff, residents and volunteers share their many talents. There was a huge turnout this year with friends and family joining the residents for the show.

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Thank You Jan.

Residents, staff, board members and friends gathered at the Social Centre to celebrate 25 years of service by Jan Gough, who was "a bit embarrassed "by all the fuss." Jan started at Kerikeri Village on the 12th of November 1991 as a Caregiver.

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Founder's Day - Celebrating 30 years of Village life.

We love a good party and what better excuse than the fact that we have been operating for 30 years? Amongst the guests at our Founder's Day Function were village residents, past and current board members, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Kerikeri and lots of volunteers and staff.

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Celebrating 95

Happy Birthday to Patricia Scott who recently celebrated her 95th birthday. Her daughter Carol King provided a beautiful cake and some bubbles to wash it down.

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Putting the GOLD in Golden Years

Today Kerikeri threw a parade for Olympic Gold Medallists Blair Tuke & Peter Burling. The parade started just across the road at Woodlands and event organisers Lynda Hurley and Dave Keen kindly organised a visit to our residents who were thrilled to meet the team in person and get a close look at the medals.

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Ballroom Dancing

To keep life interesting we have theme weeks for our residents and we build displays, events and activities around the theme. One of our more popular themes was Ballroom Week which included a ballroom dancing display by Les and Judy Remnant.

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A visit from Kerikeri Pippins

Our Care Facility residents recently enjoyed a visit from the Kerikeri Pippins who spoiled them with some very tasty baking.

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Welcome To Hilary Sumpter

We were very pleased to welcome Hilary Sumpter as our new Chief Executive at a morning tea attended by village residents, staff and the board.

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101 years young!

Doris Robertson reached another milestone when she turned 101 on the 12th of June. Doris (front row, second from the right) celebrated with her family at her granddaughter's home in Kerikeri.

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3 cheers for our new chairs!

For over 20 years the Bay of Islands Day and Social Club has run monthly Community Dinners which are open to both residents and seniors from the wider community. The Bay of Islands Day and Social Club consisted of around 20 core volunteers who did everything from the meal prep, to cooking and serving dinner, running raffles and doing the dishes (apparently this was the domain of the men).

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New Townhouses

We have completed three new townhouses at 20 Wendywood Lane. These modern, two bedroom units have internal access garaging. Built to make the most of the sun, they each have beautifully planted patios that are perfect for entertaining.

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Anzac Celebrations

Anzac Day is a time of special celebrations as our residents recall life during war time and remember those who lost their lives. This year Countdown Kerikeri wanted to acknowledge the sacrifices that all our seniors made during those times and decided to treat our residents to a fabulous morning tea.

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Happy Birthday Selwyn!

Cottage resident Selwyn Thompson celebrated his 101st Birthday on Friday May 13th. Selwyn, who is remarkably fit and active, had a family gathering at a local vineyard to mark the occasion.

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Celebrating 25 Years

The staff and residents gathered together to show their appreciation of 25 years service and to give Betty a heartfelt send off.

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Farewell for Betty Petrie

General Manager Betty Petrie leaves us after 25 years of service to the Village. Many of the local Health Practitioners, together with suppliers and the Board of the Kerikeri Village Trust, gathered at a high tea to celebrate Betty's achievements over her time at the village and to wish her well for the future.

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A nice place to sit

Sandy Chamtaloup and Margaret Kingston enjoy a chat and a wee rest on the park bench recently installed by the council.

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Thank You Val & Henry Driver

For as long as the Kerikeri Retirement Village has existed Val & Henry have been donating their time on a regular basis pouring cups of tea, helping at the community dinner, assisting with the day programme and helping out wherever they are needed.

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The opening of Robinson Courtyard

Thanks to the Lion's Kerikeri and some hard work from our gardening and maintenance crews, we now have a lovely new courtyard area for residents of the Robinson wing and annexe to enjoy.

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Annual Xmas Quiz

The annual Christmas Quiz was a fun filled evening and the trophy was hotly contested with the Merry Managers only just beating the New Five. In third place was the Mottley Crew. who were closely followed by New

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Volunteer's Christmas Party

We simply couldn't do all the extras we do without our fabulous volunteers. We got together to celebrate Christmas and to acknowledge all their hard work and generosity.

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Townhouse Construction

Construction of three 2 Bedroom Townhouses at 20 Wendywood Land is now well underway and is on track for completion in April 2016

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Feeling Festive

One of our favourite traditions is decorating the Christmas Tree in reception. Staff, volunteers and residents all love to give a hand

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Knitting Group - October 2015

As well as a great way of keeping fingers and minds nimble. Knitting Group is a great chance to socialise. Thanks volunteer Avis Mountain who popped in with her camera to capture all the fun.

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Hand Massages

Every Friday morning one of the team from Pure Day Spa pop in and give residents in the Care Facility a free hand massage. Residents love the chance to chat just as much as they enjoy being pampered.

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Pillowcase Fundraiser

We invited the public to buy a pillowcase and decorate it and then we auctioned off the results to raise funds for new alternating mattresses for the Care Facility. The alternating mattresses have small pockets of air which inflate and deflate intermittently to alter the person's body position which prevents bedsores.

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Pet Day

Many of our Care Facility residents grew up on a farm or lived rurally so periodically we bring a touch of the country to the village. 

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Lego Gran

Our 2014 entry into the Kerikeri New World Rotary Garden Safari Scarecrow competition. Lego Gran complete with a Lego flower pot, spade and dog took out the top prize.

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